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GAME REVIEW: Undertale, moral mayhem and puns galore

Ben Winkles

Many people would call those who haven't played the hit indie title Undertale idiots. They would be absolutely correct. Undertale is one of the most masterfully crafted RPGs that anyone can experience, and there doesn't exist a single other game on the market quite like it.

Released in September 2015 by developer Toby Fox, Undertale dares to be different from any other games within its genre by making you feel downright awful. Sounds bad, right? Wrong! It's also relentlessly funny and what makes Undertale an unforgettable experience is its cast of characters the player builds a connection with, especially when combined with the ‘mercy’ mechanic.

Moral ambiguity is nothing special when it comes to RPGs, but placing the lives of every character and enemy, even the most menial like a simple frog, directly in the hands of the player and forcing them to choose whether they live or die over the course of a mere few seconds? That establishes a sense of guilt that simply doesn’t exist in any other RPG.

Mowing down enemies in games like Dragon Quest, or Final Fantasy doesn't phase many, but it can’t be helped carefully considering every life taken or spared in Undertale thanks to its fantastic cast, such as Sans the wise-cracking skeleton, and Mettaton, the robotic game-show host. By letting players become attached to its characters, Undertale creates a sense of poignancy with its battles that can't be found anywhere else in gaming.

Accompanying such innovative gameplay, Undertale also features a masterful soundtrack. It's impossible to get tracks like ‘Spear of Justice’ or ‘Death by Glamour’ out of your head, and each character’s themes help add to their entrancing and loveable personalities.

In short, Undertale is a must-play for RPG fans, or those simply wanting to feel that little something more in a video game. It’s brilliant.



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