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UPSU: new development officer


This week, the Student Union held its annual vote to choose new Union Officers. The new candidate for Development Officer, Dan Ummu-Salamah, a master student in Business, came to talk to us about the union and her new role which she starts in July.

This year's newly elected Union Officers (Dan, first left)


Emma – Congratulations on being elected. How does it feel it to be the next Development Officer?


Dan – It’s nice, very nice. I’m looking forward to starting.


Emma – What does the Development Officer do?


Dan – We help student groups, and help with volunteering and training opportunities and there’s some sports remit.


Oheema: What made you decide to get involved in the student elections?


Dan - When I first came to Portsmouth as an overseas student, it was hard. I was just going to the gym and going to class; I didn’t have anything else going on. It was horrible.


I got involved helping out in the union and it feels like a family in the union. I realised I could help other students, new students, transfer students. I had had the same concerns as them and I realised I could help solve those issues. I learned how the union works.


I want to build a sense of community and also help students grow their experience. I understand that just having a degree is not enough you have to have other things to back up, your soft skills.   


For example, I’ve been working to solve student concerns about the lack of plug sockets. Their laptops run down as there’s nowhere to plug them. We’ve found ways of getting extension cables into classrooms.


Alison – Does the union do enough to engage first-year students?  I don’t feel we are that involved?


Dan - You’re right. One thing the uni needs to work on is communication. We get an astounding amount of emails that a lot of people do not read at all.


I’m trying to get a lot of things on social media because that’s what students understand.


One of my main ideas is to try to get better communication of what’s going on - the best way is social media. The uni is a business as well. They are particular about the things we put out, in terms of the brands. There was a networking event this weekend – did you know? There are so many small faculty events – but they get lost. We need to get the message out to everyone, including the first years. We are really trying to take people off emails.


Alison – There are just too many emails. It’s like “here’s a bunch or random events that aren’t relevant to you” It just clogs up your inbox and nobody reads them.


Ariana – At other unis, the union is super-involved. Much more than here.  Do you think it’s because we’re a city-based university and not a campus university so there are other things to do in the city centre?


Dan - Definitely, you’re right. I think it’s partly because we are city-based but the union needs to work on its vibrancy. To make it a more inclusive space. A more welcoming space. The building gets really cold in the winter.  


The union can definitely try and put on things that would attract students. It’s a bit dead. It’s always so cold. We should put in a bar.


Alison –  There is Spoons. I feel that Spoons is the essential student cheap pint. Not all unis have a Spoons.


Vincent – It is the home of the student. In the first week of term, you couldn’t find a seat.


Dan – food and music brings people together. The only food in the union, is the African meals on Friday and Monday.


Cam – I’m not in a society. I don’t have a reason to go in there. It just seems like an empty building with a shop in it.


Jack –  It would have a stronger presence if it had a bar*. [the university closed the bar in 2019]


Dan – that was one of the manifesto points


Arianna – Can you tell us about your plans for the future? How does being in the union help your career, for example?


Dan – I studied digital management and this allows me to put into practice some of my study. The data analytics and the use of social media, the influence of TikTok and Instagram on business and that is something I’m trying to bring into the union. How to connect to the younger generation. Working for the union is a stepping stone in testing those policies that I have implemented in smaller businesses. I have worked for few businesses on their social media use and getting student clientele.


In ten years, I’d like to have a business consultancy helping with business use of social media.



In the Student Elections, students vote for the people that will help run The Union and represent the student body for the coming year. Any student studying a course at the University of Portsmouth can run.

For the position of Development Officer, 2,515 students voted and the quota was 1,258. The election went to 4 rounds. Dan Ummu-Salamah was elected with 1,308 votes in the 4th round.

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